October 16, 2024

I am comfortably settled in the window seat. In the middle seat sits a boy who appears to be around ten years old, accompanied by his mom in the aisle. As the service begins to make its rounds, the mom turns to me and declares:

Mom: “You are permitted to order only water because if you get a pop, my son will surely want one.”

I remain silent, largely stunned by the sheer boldness of her statement. The flight attendant arrives at our row:

Mom: *Speaking loudly and preemptively.* “Only waters! This entire row will have nothing but water.”

Me: “No, I prefer a Coke.”

Mom: *To the flight attendant.* “No. Everyone in this row is restricted to ordering water only. My son will desire a pop if they get one.”

Me: “I am thirty years old, and I will not have some self-entitled stranger dictating my order. She can simply tell her child no.”

The flight attendant kindly hands me the entire can of coke instead of merely pouring a small amount into the plastic cups. The mother shoots a fierce glare at me, and I raise my glass towards her and take a slow sip.

 During the next round, I receive another can. So does the entire row.