October 16, 2024

We, as flight attendants, encounter all kinds of situations. This incident is by far the strangest I have ever witnessed. The gate supervisor stepped onto the jet bridge and made a page for a passenger. As soon as the passenger hit his flight attendant call button, we permitted him to approach the main door. The gate supervisor requested the passenger to describe his suitcase. Subsequently, the supervisor inquired about what was contained within his suitcase.

Customer: “Fish.”

Apparently, this fellow had stuffed a large quantity of fish he had caught into his suitcase.

Miraculously, he managed to pass through the check-in process and even the TSA screening. However, after undergoing numerous bumps and tosses during handling, by the time it reached the plane, it had become damp and emitted a foul smell. Thankfully, the baggage loaders firmly refused to load it onto the plane!

The gate supervisor had to patiently explain to this person that everyone would be far more content if he disembarked from the plane and retrieved his suitcase. The supervisor even offered to rebook his flight and provide a voucher if he returned without the fish.

He got off the plane, and that was the last I knew about it.