October 16, 2024


I’m a relatively fresh air steward, and I’ve just dealt with a customer who has been frantically abusing the call button.

Me: “The gentleman in 45A has consumed approximately four gin and tonics. I reckon I should stop serving him as he appears rather dizzy. I truly dread the possibility of him vomiting.” 

Coworker #1: “Oh, a bit of vomit is no big deal. We encounter such situations all the time.” 

Me: “Oh, I’m aware. They hammer that into you during training, but I sincerely hope to avoid contributing to it if possible.” 

Coworker #1: “Once, we had this fellow who defecated in one of the sick bags because he didn’t want to go to the bathroom. We were clueless about the source of the stench and even contemplated landing the plane prematurely as it was so unbearable. However, the pilot pointed out that we were less than an hour from the destination, and landing, disembarking, and all the associated procedures would take even longer. So, we had no choice but to endure it.”