October 16, 2024

This week, I returned to the States and had a firsthand encounter.

Nearly three years ago, a stroke left me disabled. Usually, I walk with a cane, except in places like airports, malls, or any area with slippery, shiny floors. There, I rely on a rolling walker as it makes navigation simpler.

Just before boarding my first flight, a large group of people formed a chaotic cluster, blocking the entrance where tickets were scanned and the jetway began. It was truly irritating. Several of them instructed me to wait by the gate desk, and so I obeyed. They were being rather entitled, not allowing me near the gate entry, but that’s not the main point here.

I approached the desk and apologized to the gate agent for straying from the planned procedure.

Gate Agent #1: “It’s no big deal. You can pre-board from here.”

Now, about the pre-boarding. Honestly, I’d much rather be the last one to board the flight because I have no fondness for sitting on the plane for thirty to forty minutes before take-off. However, knowing my balance issues make me slow and not wanting to hold up those behind me, I chose to pre-board and gate-check the walker. I went through the scanning and made my way down the jetway.

Gate Agent #2: “Please hold your position; the cleaning team is still on the plane.”

While waiting, a couple around my age (I’m in my early sixties) came up behind me. Neither showed any visible sign of disability, but that’s fine; many disabled people don’t have outwardly apparent impairments.

As we stood there waiting to board, the wife called over my shoulder to the gate agent.

Lady: “Can I move forward? I’m more disabled than she is.” *Gesturing to me*

Gate Agent #2: “Sure.”

This self-entitled lady pushed me with such force that I toppled over right there on the jetway. The gate agent helped me up but remained silent to the lady and her husband, who were now in front of me.

I decided it wasn’t worth uttering a word to these imbeciles. Who would shove someone clearly disabled just to be the first to board a plane? I was stuck behind them for so long that the regular passengers began boarding, and I was frantically trying to get settled.