October 16, 2024

I, an air steward, found that the captain had just made an announcement to the plane.

Captain: “To those passengers seated on the left side of the plane, even at cruising altitude, you can clearly see the magnificent Hoover Dam below us. Go ahead and enjoy the breathtaking view!”

A short while later, I received a call from a passenger sitting on the right side of the plane.

Passenger: “That’s not fair!”

Me: “Excuse me, sir?”

Passenger: “The passengers on that side of the plane got to witness the Hoover Dam! Why don’t we get to see it?!”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but the flight path we’re following happens to have the dam on the left side of the plane. The captain was simply ensuring that those passengers who could take advantage of the view had the opportunity to do so.”

Passenger: “Well… turn the plane around!”

Me: “Sir?”

Passenger: “If the passengers on that side can see it, then we should as well!”

Me: “Sir, this isn’t a sightseeing flight. Our primary responsibility is to get you to your destination on time, not to ensure you catch sight of landmarks during the journey.”

Passenger: “But it’s not fair!”

Me: “Sir, you’re not even sitting by a window seat. The two passengers next to you would have to move if you wanted to have a view. Additionally, at this part of the plane, all you’d be seeing is the wing.”

Passenger: “Then this plane is badly designed!”

Me: “Sir, you’re safely being transported halfway across the planet in less than half a day, and you’ve been able to relish a hot risotto and three cans of beer while doing so. The plane is just fine.” 

He remained stewing in his seat for the rest of the flight.