October 16, 2024

I have shelled out extra for seat allocation on my flight as I am partial to having a window seat. A mother and her perhaps ten-year-old son have been seated in the two seats adjacent to me. The mother glances at me, makes a tutting sound, and simply stares at me expectantly.

Me: “Yes?”

Mother: “Well? My son hankers after the window seat. You need to relocate.”

Had she been polite, I would have readily obliged. I might even have paid for a different seat, but it’s only a three-hour flight, and I’m aware that managing kids on flights, even short ones, can be a challenge, so I sometimes have a measure of sympathy. Not with this mother, though.

Me: “No, I don’t think I will. I specifically paid for this seat, thank you.”

Mother: “You heartless wench! My son needs to sit by the window!”

Me: “Then perhaps you should have reserved a dedicated seat like I did. Take care.”

With that, I close my eyes, put on my headphones, and lean my head against the window

A minute or two later, my shoulder is being vigorously tapped. I open my eyes and see the angry mother glaring at me, her hands on my shoulder, with one of the flight attendants intervening. I take off my headphones.

Flight Attendant: “—not to touch other passengers, ma’am!”

Mother: “The b**** was ignoring me!

The flight attendant fixes the mother with a pointed stare at her own child.

Flight Attendant: “Ma’am, please calm your language; there are children present.”

The flight attendant looks at me with a sympathetic expression.

Flight Attendant: “Ma’am, apologies for the interruption, but may I please see your boarding pass?”

Me: “Absolutely! I’m always happy to oblige those who ask nicely.”

I present my boarding pass.

Flight Attendant: To the mother* “Ma’am, this is the lady’s assigned seat, so she doesn’t have to move. Please take your allotted seats and prepare for take-off.”

Mother: “You need to make concessions for my child! He needs the window seat—”

Mother’s Child: “Mom, I don’t care! It’s you who always wants the window seat.”

With that revelation from a thoroughly embarrassed child, I return to my music, and mother and son take their seats.

After the in-flight meal is served, the mother gets up to use the toilet and the boy approaches me.

Mother’s Child: “Sorry about her. I usually travel with my dad because this sort of thing always occurs with my mom.”

Me: “It’s okay. It’s good to know you’ve picked up some manners despite… well…”

Mother’s Child: “Yeah… Thanks for standing up to her.”

And with that, he went back to his iPad and I resumed my slumber. Stay strong, little one. Keep that apple far from the tree.