October 16, 2024

What went wrong, and how you can avoid making the same mistake?

Near-CFIT While Flying A Circling Approach

We came across this NASA ASRS report that showcases the worst-case scenario when you overlook an important procedural note. This pilot, flying a C172 under IFR, attempted a circling approach in low weather conditions and experienced a near-CFIT event. It’s a mistake that anyone could potentially make. Here’s what transpired…

I was on my way to XXX along the ZZZZZ transition of the RNAV-09 IAP. I hadn’t anticipated the gusty winds to be so strongly favoring RWY 27, so when I received the ASOS, I decided to execute a circling approach for landing. I followed the IAP (instrument approach procedure) and descended to 2,000 feet MSL, emerging from the clouds somewhere around the FAF. I turned right and entered a left-downwind for RWY 27. Shortly thereafter, I realized that a hilltop with a tower was directly in my path. I applied power to climb over it and almost re-entered the clouds. After passing just over the hill and tower, I resumed my descent and initiated the turn for landing.

Hours later, during the debriefing of the situation, I noticed the mistake I had made. Hidden at the end of five lines of textual notes on the approach plate: “Circling NA South of RWY 09-27.” The sectional chart also depicts that RWYs 27 is RP (right-pattern), but I wasn’t relying on my sectional chart during IFR in actual IMC.

Flying The Circle

When a circling approach in a particular direction isn’t feasible due to terrain or obstacles, you might encounter a restriction noted in the procedures. A cardinal direction will be used along with the runway as a reference point. Plan to fly on the opposite side of that runway and pay close attention to which runway the note pertains to. If you want to visualize this, quickly sketch the runway on your iPad scratchpad or a spare piece of paper. Number the runways and then shade the area you can’t circle over. Visualize the circling maneuvers you’ll execute instead.

The protected areas for circling approaches now utilize a connection of arcs from the end of each runway, as opposed to the fixed-radius distances used previously. Here’s what the protected area looks like for new or revised approaches:

If you’re maneuvering to a different runway, the safest way to get there is to keep your maneuvers as standard as possible. Try to fly it like a traffic pattern. Read the notes carefully. If you can’t circle in a certain direction, plan to fly the opposite pattern.

In fact, if the ceilings are high enough and the visibility is good enough, it’s not a bad idea to level off at pattern altitude instead of descending all the way to circling MDA. It provides you with familiar descent points and power settings and keeps your approach to landing as normal as possible. Click here to learn more about flying circling approaches.

But if you need to descend all the way to circling MDA to get out of the clouds and spot the runway, keep in mind that you’ll be flying a pattern that could be significantly lower than the normal pattern altitude. That means you probably don’t want to start descending until you’re established on final, or at least until you’re confident you’re in a position where you can begin your descent to landing without hitting anything, maintaining visual reference throughout the entire process as well.

Brief Your Approach Early

When flying in cruise, obtain the local weather or ATIS early to see which approaches are in use. Set up and brief the approach so you don’t have to divide your attention during the descent and arrival procedures.

This allows you time to thoroughly review the notes, ensuring you don’t miss important procedures or NOTAMs. When flying near terrain, brief the surrounding area using a sectional chart or something that shows the terrain more clearly than just the instrument approach plate. Pay extra attention to the tallest obstacle depicted on the chart and any hills or towers directly around the airport.

Swayne Martin

What Do You Think?

What can pilots do to avoid mistakes like this? Have you ever flown a circling approach? Tell us in the comments below.