October 16, 2024

On our flight, the only available seat on the entire plane was situated between me and the elderly gentleman by the window. A woman in her forties was seated in the middle of the row behind us. She tapped me on the shoulder.

Woman: “Hey, swap seats with me.”

Me: “No, thank you.”

Woman: “Seriously? There’s a single empty seat on the whole plane.”

Me: “Must be my lucky day, then.”

Elderly Man: “Our lucky day; we can have a party!”

Me: “Apple juice and peanuts for everyone!”

The elderly man grinned.

Woman: “Bitch!”

She reclined, making various remarks throughout the trip about how disrespectful and self-centered I was. When we landed, the people behind us surged down the aisle. The flight attendant spoke over the loudspeaker.

Attendant: “Welcome to [City]. We understand you wish to leave, but we haven’t been cleared to open the doors yet. Please return to your seats and wait. Thank you for your understanding.”

Woman: “Jesus Christ. Seriously?”

Attendant: “Ma’am, please sit down. We’ll be out of here as soon as possible.”

The elderly man and I exchanged a glance but said nothing. We sat there for perhaps ten minutes, the man cheerfully gazing out the window. The flight attendant announced that we were free to go, and I noticed the woman behind me tugging on the seats to stand. I got up and stood in the aisle.

Me: “Come on, sir.”

Elderly Man: “Are you certain?”

Me: “I don’t mind waiting.”

Woman: “Are you kidding? You’re such a fucking bitch!”

Me: “How about you sit down and be respectful and patient?”

The woman glared at me but didn’t utter another word. The elderly man made his way off the plane. At the front, we met up with the flight attendant.

Attendant: “Have a great day. Thank you.”

Elderly Man: “This one—” *gestured to me* “—is nice.”

Attendant: “That’s lovely, sir.”

Elderly Man: “That one—” *gestured to the woman behind me* “—is lucky the other one didn’t sock her.”

Attendant: *Taken aback* “Oh. Okay, sir. You… have a wonderful day.”

The attendant gave me a puzzled look, but I simply smiled and shrugged.