October 16, 2024

This story was made in partnership with AssuredPartners. Paying too much for aircraft insurance? Get your free quote from AssuredPartners today.

If you fly with passengers in the front seat, it’s crucial to brief them on various things before takeoff. For instance, stress the importance of keeping their hands and feet clear of the controls. An incident like this can happen to anyone, especially when dealing with a nervous passenger. Here’s a summary from a NASA ASRS report…

Immediately after landing, the aircraft took a sharp turn to the left. I had limited control over the rudders to straighten it out. The plane veered off the runway slightly before I could correct it and get back on the paved surface. At first, I thought I had a flat tire due to my lack of rudder pedal control.

After the aircraft was inspected, the mechanic found that neither the steering nor the rudder pedals had malfunctioned. The steering worked just fine. It seems my passenger may have accidentally stepped on the rudder while preparing for landing. This passenger was new to flying and was visibly tense during the landing. To prevent a recurrence, I need to be more vigilant in reminding my passenger before landing to keep their hands and feet away from the controls and pedals.

Left-turning tendencies can make a bad situation even worse. While this incident happened during landing, the same can occur during takeoff when using the rudder to counteract left-turning tendencies. Among the four left-turning tendencies, torque and spiraling slipstream are the ones that affect tricycle gear aircraft during the takeoff roll. That’s why right rudder is needed to maintain the centerline during takeoff. Ensuring that your passenger’s feet are clear of the rudder pedals is essential for a safe takeoff.

When flying your own airplane, it’s your responsibility to ensure your passengers are properly briefed before taxi. Take extra time to make them feel comfortable. Remember, FAR 91.107 requires you to brief each passenger on how to use their seat belt. When passengers are connected to the intercom, keep them aware of when it’s appropriate to have a conversation versus when it could be distracting. Maintaining a sterile cockpit is crucial, especially during high-workload times like takeoff and landing.

As for the flight controls, make sure your passengers understand the full range of movement and how it affects your ability to control the airplane. If you have a passenger or a young child who you don’t think can follow these instructions, ensure they are comfortable in the back seat.

In the heat of the moment, it must have been quite challenging for this pilot to quickly assess what was going wrong. A passenger accidentally pressing the rudder pedal isn’t the first thing one typically thinks of.

Have any of you ever had a passenger get in the way of the flight controls during your flight? Share your experiences in the comments below.