October 16, 2024

Restricted airspace is typically a zone utilized by the military where air traffic is restricted or even prohibited for safety reasons. These areas often house unusual and potentially hazardous activities such as missile launches, intense air combat training, and artillery firing. You’ll also find restricted areas hovering over large military installations or other areas deemed crucial by the FAA or the government.

Restricted areas are prominently depicted on VFR sectional charts, marked with a distinctive blue hatched border and labeled starting with the letter “R” followed by a sequential number. Take, for instance, the example below, where “R-4808N” is the highlighted restricted area.

How to Uncover the Details on Your Sectional Chart

If you take a look at the side of your sectional chart, you’ll discover the following information: the Restricted Area Number, which in this case is R-4808 N; the Altitude (in MSL), stated as Unlimited; the Time of use (in local), denoted as Continuous; the Controlling agency, which is Nellis Range Control; and the Communication frequency, set at 126.65.

You can also access these details using ForeFlight. Simply hold your finger down over the area of interest. Here’s what the details look like on ForeFlight.

Can You Fly into Restricted Areas under VFR?

You simply cannot enter a restricted area without the permission of the controlling or using agency. If you have a legitimate reason to fly through restricted airspace, you can contact the controlling agency in advance for approval. This is typically best coordinated over the phone prior to the flight, and there is a communications frequency listed for most restricted areas that you can also reach out to.

If the restricted area is “cold,” meaning it isn’t in use, and you have a valid reason to pass through the airspace, you might potentially obtain approval. But ultimately, the decision lies with the controlling agency.

Flying IFR? ATC Has You Covered

If you’re flying IFR, things become a bit easier. If a restricted area is in use or if you’re not allowed to pass through it, ATC will route you around the airspace. However, if the airspace is cold, ATC might be able to direct you through it.

Here’s what the FAA has to say in section 3-4-3(b) of the AIM: “If the restricted area is not active and has been released to the controlling agency (FAA), the ATC facility will allow the aircraft to operate in the restricted airspace without issuing specific clearance for it to do so. If the restricted area is active and has not been released to the controlling agency (FAA), the ATC facility will issue a clearance that will ensure the aircraft avoids the restricted airspace unless it is on an approved altitude reservation mission or has obtained its own permission to operate in the airspace and so informs the controlling facility.” In short, if you’re allowed into the airspace, you won’t require verbal clearance to fly through it under IFR. If you’re not allowed into the restricted area, ATC will simply reroute you around the airspace.

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