October 16, 2024

Let’s face it: Who hasn’t gazed skyward in awe and admiration as the Thunderbirds, Snowbirds, or Blue Angels executed their intricate maneuvers and wondered, “How on earth do they manage that?” The truth is, these spectacular formation aerobatic demonstrations are the outcome of countless hours of intense training, unwavering flight discipline, and meticulously prepared high-performance aircraft. However, down here in the realm of general aviation, we sometimes have valid reasons to fly two or more planes in close proximity. And when we do so, we ought to be just as professional. The recipe for a successful formation flight isn’t overly complex. The training, discipline, and effort dedicated to flying in formation the correct way will transform it into a safe and enjoyable experience.

But make no mistake: You need to undergo qualified, professional training before venturing into formation flight.

General aviation pilots frequently fly in formation for air-to-air photography, to travel cross-country in groups of two or more aircraft, or to ferry multiple planes across desolate continents and vast oceans. Regardless of the type of formation involved, a professional approach is indispensable to minimize risks.

So, imagine three friends deciding to fly in formation from their local airport to AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. What factors should they mull over before takeoff, during the journey, and upon arrival at the world’s premier airshow?

In the language of general aviation, a gaggle often refers to a group of aircraft generally moving in the same direction simultaneously. The pilots within the gaggle might exhibit varying degrees of radio discipline, sometimes come too close to one another, and generally give formation flying a bad reputation. The distinction between a formation and a gaggle lies in the application of training, discipline, and communication.

The FAA regulations for formation flight appear deceptively straightforward and are stipulated in part 91.111: “(a) No individual may operate an aircraft so close to another as to pose a collision hazard. (b) No person may operate an aircraft in formation flight except by arrangement with the pilot in command of each aircraft in the formation. (c) No person may operate an aircraft carrying passengers for hire in formation flight.” So, let’s contemplate how we can steer clear of a gaggle and create a professional formation flight.

The Formation Briefing

Among jet pilots, there’s an old formation joke: “Kick the tires, light the fires, and brief on guard frequency.” But this is merely a joke. In reality, the military formation briefing and debriefing are crucial to the success of any formation flight.

During the briefing, the formation leader assesses the prior training, capabilities, and personal safety limits of each participant. Communication frequencies, airspace, weather, and en route decision-making should all be deliberated. For instance, how will the flight handle the Fisk arrival at AirVenture? Or what should the flight do if they become separated during the trip? Who squawks, and what about the ADS-B traffic warnings? All these are worthy considerations.

Once the details have been ironed out, the flight should be meticulously planned and briefed until every query is answered and every contingency is addressed. This is where the FAA’s “arrangement” comes into play. If, after the briefing, any member of the formation feels uncomfortable or unsure about proceeding, they should politely withdraw from the flight.

In the end, everyone must be confident in the safe conduct of the flight. Incidentally, the internet is a great starting point as it offers several excellent formation briefing guides that pilots can download to jog their memory on what should be covered.

Lead or Wing!

Contrary to common belief, the most challenging position to fly in any jet aerobatic team isn’t the wing-position pilot flying inches from the leader. Instead, it’s the leader who shoulders the responsibility of planning, briefing, and making decisions for the entire flight. The leader of our journey to AirVenture should first and foremost recognize that the formation will be constrained by the skills of the least experienced member of the group. Taking this into account, the leader can make conservative in-flight decisions and maneuvers that don’t surpass the capabilities of the formation. Pilots in the wing position have an entirely different set of duties.

The first rule of flying the wing is to never lose sight of the leader or the rest of the formation! No exceptions. This is particularly demanding in many modern glass cockpit aircraft that encourage significant time looking down and require multiple button presses to perform the simplest tasks. If any attention inside the cockpit is necessary, widen the formation. Fly only as close as necessary, and if you lose sight of any member of the formation, have a “lost visual” strategy at the ready. This typically involves an agreed-upon turn away from the last known position of the other aircraft until visual contact can be reestablished. And an important safety tip: It’s advisable to leave close wingtip formation to the experts.

Remember, as you watch the Thunderbird pilots, they are each flying aircraft with clear canopies, wearing parachutes, and sitting in ejection seats. If your aircraft doesn’t have these features, then plan to fly in a much looser formation. And while on this note, note that several high-wing aircraft are ill-suited for close formation flying due to the significant visual area blocked by the wing.

Anticipate, Communicate and be Predictable!

The pilots in our courageous group bound for Oshkosh have decided to fly a loose V formation approximately 200-500 feet apart as they head north to Wisconsin. Our fearless leader should select airspeeds, routes, and altitudes that enable the rest of the flight to cruise comfortably, avoiding bad weather and restricted airspace. They should anticipate these requirements, communicate them clearly to the rest of the formation, and fly in an extremely smooth and predictable manner.

And, of course, the wing pilots should do the same. The second and third pilots should anticipate what the leader is going to do next, just as if they were flying solo, and convey their intentions or traffic observations to the formation in a clear and concise manner. And, like the leader, fly smoothly and predictably. These three characteristics – anticipation, communication, and predictability – will ensure a fantastic trip with manageable risks. So, you might ask, how can I learn to do this like the professionals?

Quality Training is the Key!

It’s no secret that large formation flights into AirVenture, such as “Cessnas to Oshkosh” and “Bonanzas to Oshkosh” (B2OSH), mandate each participant to attend and complete regional formation training clinics before taking to the skies for the show. No certificate, no participation. This emphasis on training guarantees the safety of all involved. A valuable resource for all things related to formation flying is the “Formation Pilots Knowledge Guide” developed by the Formation and Safety Team (FAST). The FAST concept was developed in the mid-1990s to provide the warbird community with a unified set of formation standards. It encompasses a wealth of knowledge regarding the fundamentals of formation flying.

Risk Management of Formation Flying

Our three reliable aviators have made several astute decisions to manage risks. Firstly, everyone agreed to obtain training from a reputable source on the basic rules of formation flying. Secondly, they dedicated the necessary time to plan and brief the flight, ensuring that everyone can execute the plan smoothly, predictably, and professionally. Thirdly, they have contemplated the responsibilities of both the lead and wing positions and are prepared for their assigned roles. And perhaps, as they soar over the Wisconsin pastures en route to Oshkosh, someone will look up and exclaim, “Those pilots are true professionals. How do they do that?”